Wednesday 24 July 2019

8 Video Production Tips for Creating a kick-ass Crowdfunding Video

Want to make a kick-ass crowdfunding video which showcases your crowdfunding pitch in all its glory? Then read on and take note of the following points which will set you up for crowdfunding video success!

1. Know your goals - Have a clear picture of what your video needs to do. Know who your target audience are and what message they need to hear in order to back you.

2. Research - Review other successful campaigns, especially those similar to your idea. Note how they have approached their topic and how they have promoted their idea.

3. Be personal - Put your face to the brand and show your personality - backers like to know who they are supporting. Tell them your story and show your passion. 

4. Location - The best crowdfunding videos set the right scene and showcase to the viewer what life will be like when they use your product or service. 

5. Set the right style and look - Choosing the right style and look for your video will help your audience to connect with your idea. Think about who your target audience is and what they expect. Be consistent and use the same look and style across all areas of your campaign.

6. Tell your story - Your video should be concise, exciting and keep the viewer engaged to the end. Explain the problem your idea solves in the first 20 - 30 seconds. Get the viewer hooked. Think about the pace and rhythm of your story. Keep the viewer engaged throughout, right until the end of the video.

7. The right length for a Video Script - 90 seconds to 3minutes is a good length for a video. 1 minute of script is around 150 words. 

8. Video and Audio Quality - You only have one chance to make a good impression, It’s crucial that the quality of your video is good. Make sure the videos visuals and audio don’t pixelate or crackle distracting the audience from your offer.

Video production for crowdfunding is an essential part of any successful crowdfunding campaign. The above tips will put you on the right path to creating a stand out crowdfunding video. 

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