Thursday 14 May 2020

Why You Need A Crowdfunding Video When Crowdfunding

A crowdfunding campaign and a crowdfunding video come hand in hand. A bit like salt and pepper or Tom & Jerry - You don’t see one without the other. If you do see a campaign without a video then you can be sure that project will not feel right and struggle to convey its message to its audience.

The one thing all crowdfunding industry experts can agree on is that when you launch a crowdfunding campaign you should have a stand out video. A video that helps pitch your story in a clear and compelling way. Sadly if you launch your campaign without a video then be afraid as you are heading for big big trouble.

In 2020 your crowdfunding video is your campaign’s most important marketing tool. You need one and you need a good one. Not a video made quickly and cheaply but a video that is well thought out and crafted to emotionally connect with your target audience. Showcasing your product or cause. Highlighting the features and benefits the backer will receive when they support your campaign.

Does a good video take time to make? Absolutely. Does a great video cost a lot to make - Generally. Investing in a well made video using an experienced video professional or a video production company is the best thing you can do. It’ll save you time and money in the long run and remove the stress of creating a video and not knowing if it is going to be any good at attracting backers and selling your big idea. 

However, saying that, if you don’t have a budget to spend on a video then don’t worry you can create a video by yourself using the equipment you already have and certain free online tools at your disposal. 

For instance you can use your smartphone to film you delivering your pitch to camera, explaining your backstory and the problem people are facing. The introduce your product or how your actions will solve the cause. Be sure to explain how the viewer will feel when they start using your product or help the cause. Emotionally connecting with your audience is the best way to help convince them to support your campaign.

Wow your crowd can help you make your crowdfunding videos London

Tuesday 7 April 2020


Do you have an outstanding idea? The next “big thing”? But now you are looking for the best crowdfunding marketing agency to help you bring your project to life? 
Here are 4 major tips to consider while choosing a marketing agency that will be able to provide your crowdfunding campaign the desired coverage and more:


Take an in-depth tour of the kind of services offered by the agency. Do they meet your requirements and will be able to convert your idea into reality? You need an agency that understands the concept of your crowdfunding project and what kind of audience should be attracted.

Proper Video Production Process is Critical to the Success

Until recently, video production and marketing agencies rarely discussed the actual roduction process with their clients. Over time, it has led to people believing that producing an exceptional marketing video is similar to just pressing a few buttons on their iPhones.
It couldn’t get farther from the reality of an extensive procedure that goes into producing a video that resonates with masses. Considering all the diversities behind different video projects, there is always a common production process which among other factors is comprised of three basic stages such as:
While all of these stages are interconnected, each has a different set of responsibilities and influence over the final product. Let's have a quick overview of these phases.

This is a crucial stage that sets the foundation for the whole project. It takes aggressive planning, research, preparation, and back and forth meetings between video production agencies and clients. For a smooth process, the pre-production stage includes:
      Determining the scope, timeline, and budget
      Strategizing goals
      Script development
      Talent recruitment
      Location hunting
      Production equipment procurement

The Kickstarter video production is where the fun happens! Armed with all the meticulous preparations, the production teams and clients enjoy the gratification of seeing the idea coming to life. The production stage includes:
      Setting up relevant equipment
      Shooting& re-shootings

After the production is over, the grooming and creative stage begin where the production team and editors get to work. It is where the magic of all the recorded bits and pieces coming together to form of compelling video transpires. This stage typically includes:

      Organizing the content
      Audio selection
      Revisions & approvals

These are just the basics of the video production process among numerous other essentials that video marketing agencies employ to ensure success for their clients. It is always better to leave a task to people who are qualified for the job instead of assuming that anyone can do everything.

Thursday 27 February 2020


Video marketing - powered by visual content - is not a trend that will fade away after a while. It is pure science that leverages human’s psychological inclination towards visual information. 90% of the information that your brain processes is visual in nature. Aligning your crowdfunding project with a Kickstarter video production company is a sure-shot formula to derive maximum success.

Additionally, a success formula based on well thought out steps makes it easy for you to understand the process your idea goes through in order to transpire into reality. Have a look at the ‘concept to completion’ 5 step production process it takes to make a final product that resonates with the targeted audience on many levels.

  1. Creative Development:

Here you outline your objectives to the last detail of what you desire. Whether its selling a product, building brand awareness brand image building, improved customer interaction, or maximizingleads and traffic.

2.            Pre-production:

A critical preparation stage comprised of scriptwriting, talent recruitment, location hunting, equipment procurement, etc.

3.            Production: 

This is the most gratifying stage of seeing ideas transforming into a reality with the help of filming,animation, graphics, and voice-overs.

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Marketing is different than 50 likes or shares 

The trend of social media provided people with a lot of misconceptions. Most of all, the notion of self-marketing if you have a bit of following. Whether you are an established business that needs to market new products or services, a budding start-up, or an entrepreneur, whatever you do just don’t fall in the trap of self-marketing.

It’s that marketing agencies leverage social media platforms with  their well-planned marketing campaigns, what is truer is the fact that social media remains as a mere part of their otherwise diversely resourced marketing strategies. For all the success in terms of increased leads, sales etc that marketing agencies bring about can hardly be created from few likes and retweets.

Any marketing that is worth its salt encompasses the research, analysis, strategy, launch, brand development, and promotion. It can be you or your product/service that needs professional assistance and expertise to turn the idea into the revenue-generating mechanism and the right marketing agency does just that! 

Let’s have a look at some major benefits of hiring a marketing agency

  • It is cost-effective and that is something all businesses or individuals desire the most. 
  • It provides access to resources like specialized talents, advanced technology, latest trends, networking, public relations, traditional advertising, etc.
  • It enables people without the capital to turn their ideas into reality through a crowdfunding marketing
  • Marketing agency brings all forms of marketing under one roof, be it content marketing, social media marketing, SEO marketing, on-ground marketing and many more. 
  • It allows you to focus on more important aspects of your businesses.
  • It increases the productivity, efficiency, and sales of your product/services by reaching out to the highly optimized targeted audience.

Given the global economic challenges, more and more people are turning towards a crowdfunding marketing agency like that of wow your crowd. Crowdfunding marketing not only covers your professional requirement, but it also facilitates the capital inflow that takes the idea off the ground and reaches the ultimate success you desire. Hire a respected agency to support and launch your big idea.

Tuesday 28 January 2020


Crowdfunding is a modern take on traditional fundraising. It is a method used by startup businesses to engage investors who could possibly fund their respective business ventures. But have you noticed a similar trend amongst most of the projects that fail to achieve their funding goals and hence do not engage any investors? This is owning to the lack of communication between the project founder and investor.

For the creation of a stronger connection with your clients/investors, you should make a video campaign which is more likely to succeed as opposed to a campaign that supports just a plain textual description of your product. Powerful crowdfunding video allows startup businesses to engage with investors, attract new clients and demonstrate how their products can maximize the chances of a successful business. Some useful tips that will make your crowdfunding video production more powerful and engaging have been briefly mentioned below.

Show yourself

When the investors can assign a face to a business idea, it is comparatively easier for them to trust the person behind the plan. Since the meeting all potential investors face to face is not possible always a powerful video is a great way to pitch your idea leave a powerful and lasting impression of you.

Highlight the benefits for the investors:

Tell the potential investors what you do and what your plan is for your company. Show the team and how you plan to grow and develop the company to become a successful business.

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Crowdfunding has seen many successes throughout the 2010s. Just last year, crowdfunding campaigns raised a staggering $34.4 billion.

But the world of crowdfunding isn’t all rosy. In fact, nearly two-thirds of campaigns fail to reach their funding goals and end up unfinished.

These failures happen when the campaign does not receive enough attention.
So how do you ensure that your campaign is the one that makes it? Two words: pitch videos.

Pitch videos are an effective way of marketing your campaign. They’re visual and dynamic. This means that they can catch the attention of more people and earn four times the money.

And when people start paying attention, the money start coming in.
So a crowdfunding pitch video sounds like a good idea for a crowdfunding marketing campaign. But there is a science to this.

To make a successful video, you’ll need to follow some simple rules.

Keep it short

When crowdfunding, you are putting all your hopes on the backer’s attention span. It’s an industry rule to keep the video at around 2/3 minutes.

Create a narrative

All crowdfundingvideos ought to have a clear narrative structure with a beginning, middle, and end. Tell a story with your video. This draws people in.

Sell the right tone

When you are creating the video, you are creating an image for your brand. You then need to think about the product/service and what you want it to be and what you want it to represent.

Talk about your journey

You are just getting started with your business but that is an interesting story to tell. Talk about the process of setting up your business and why you need funds. This will invest people in your journey.