Tuesday, 28 January 2020


Crowdfunding is a modern take on traditional fundraising. It is a method used by startup businesses to engage investors who could possibly fund their respective business ventures. But have you noticed a similar trend amongst most of the projects that fail to achieve their funding goals and hence do not engage any investors? This is owning to the lack of communication between the project founder and investor.

For the creation of a stronger connection with your clients/investors, you should make a video campaign which is more likely to succeed as opposed to a campaign that supports just a plain textual description of your product. Powerful crowdfunding video allows startup businesses to engage with investors, attract new clients and demonstrate how their products can maximize the chances of a successful business. Some useful tips that will make your crowdfunding video production more powerful and engaging have been briefly mentioned below.

Show yourself

When the investors can assign a face to a business idea, it is comparatively easier for them to trust the person behind the plan. Since the meeting all potential investors face to face is not possible always a powerful video is a great way to pitch your idea leave a powerful and lasting impression of you.

Highlight the benefits for the investors:

Tell the potential investors what you do and what your plan is for your company. Show the team and how you plan to grow and develop the company to become a successful business.

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Crowdfunding has seen many successes throughout the 2010s. Just last year, crowdfunding campaigns raised a staggering $34.4 billion.

But the world of crowdfunding isn’t all rosy. In fact, nearly two-thirds of campaigns fail to reach their funding goals and end up unfinished.

These failures happen when the campaign does not receive enough attention.
So how do you ensure that your campaign is the one that makes it? Two words: pitch videos.

Pitch videos are an effective way of marketing your campaign. They’re visual and dynamic. This means that they can catch the attention of more people and earn four times the money.

And when people start paying attention, the money start coming in.
So a crowdfunding pitch video sounds like a good idea for a crowdfunding marketing campaign. But there is a science to this.

To make a successful video, you’ll need to follow some simple rules.

Keep it short

When crowdfunding, you are putting all your hopes on the backer’s attention span. It’s an industry rule to keep the video at around 2/3 minutes.

Create a narrative

All crowdfundingvideos ought to have a clear narrative structure with a beginning, middle, and end. Tell a story with your video. This draws people in.

Sell the right tone

When you are creating the video, you are creating an image for your brand. You then need to think about the product/service and what you want it to be and what you want it to represent.

Talk about your journey

You are just getting started with your business but that is an interesting story to tell. Talk about the process of setting up your business and why you need funds. This will invest people in your journey.

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Why hiring a crowdfunding marketing agency is a good idea

The rise in entrepreneurship and startup products has made many of us believe that the protocol is fairly simple. You come up with the product, market it on various online/offline medium, and get the cash rolling.

However, in reality the process is far from easy. Besides putting in a lot of effort, a massive amount of resource goes in launching a product to market.

Luckily, many of the aspiring entrepreneurs seek help from crowdfunding marketing agency to assist them with their campaign.

How do crowdfunding companies help?

One of the biggest benefits of seeking help from a reputable company is ‘expertise.’ These companies have been part of the industry for many years and have sufficient understanding of the complex process that goes with a crowdfunding campaign. They will know how to prepare each step of the campaign according to the unique demands of your product and will guide you along the way to reduce any type of risk.

In fact, their knowledge, combined with your talent can ensure a better chance of success – in the least possible time.

A crowdfunding company also helps you relax – a little, and frees you for other tasks that require attention. Launching a product in the market is a stressful phase. There is a lot of work to be done, which usually overwhelms the inventor.

However, an agency helps streamline many processes that go with your crowdfunding campaign including:

·         Organizing photo and video shoots
·         Development and designing of website
·         Content writing
·         Copywriting
·         Press releases
·         Social media marketing
·         Email marketing
·         Monitoring the analytics

In short, they make sure that your campaign starts off on the right foot!

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How to Effectively Utilize the Crowdfunding Approach to Get an Idea Across?

The world we live in has a lot of problems. To solve these problems, many people have great ideas. However, a certain financial backing is required in order to execute those ideas and this is the challenging part.

Not everyone in a corporate environment will believe in your idea the way you will. This can affect your chances of getting a credible investor on board or getting a bank loan approved? So in this case, how should you proceed?

Thankfully, there is a solution and it is called “Crowdfunding”. This marketing approach involves a large number of people donating small amounts of money to a project so it could reach its financial goals.

Even though Crowdfunding marketing approach has gained prominence over the years and helped several startups in launching successfully, utilizing it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

People will only donate to a project that they think could help them or the world in general. This is why it is important for you to effectively communicate your ideas to the backers. This calls for a crowdfunding video.

In  the current age, people have short attention spans. They can easily lose interest in anything. So,it is in your best interest to create a video for your crowdfunding campaign. A well-made and relatable video tends to retain the viewers’ attention throughout. All you need to do is ensure that you get your ideas across in a creative way.

This begs the question, “How will you get a gripping video made for your crowdfunding campaign?”, This is where you will need to enlist the help of a credible crowdfunding agency and Wow Your Crowd perfectly fits the bill. The award-winning crowdfunding video production service in question has helped several startups in achieving their financial goals and has no plans of slowing down anytime soon!